
These two are so silly!!

Being a mother of two boys at this young age means being always on the go. They, really, never stop. But along all the work (and the extra work because they never stop) also comes a lot of fun and a lot of cute moments.

This afternoon Diogo just came laughing to the living room with a "turtle head" cap. He was laughing so much that he could barely breath. I don't know what was so funny about it but he was having this laugh attack. Along came Hugo with these big sunglasses. He wanted to wear them so I helped. They looked so crazy that I just shouted "Wait!!" and, of course, I went to get my camera.
Here they are being them-super-silly-selves. :))


Calais Pedro Family said...

Great photo! a Joao

joanasleite said...

Sorry but my english is not so good as yours.. I just wanna say that me and Pedro loved your place, your company and.. your kids! They're so fun and inteligent!
In your text above your talking just like an.. how can I say 'delegada de propaganda médica' lol.. we saw that scene yesterday, even with the cleanin ladies!!..
I'm sorry that we don't have any photos but next time we go to Coimbra we'll take some, ok?

Beijinhos e abraços do Pedro e da Joana p'ros quatro Bizarros :)

Obrigada pelo batido de banana e walnuts :P