
Emotional at work

A normal day at the office turned out to be a very emotional day for me. And the whole thing was triggered by such a simple question... I was working and my officemate just mentioned "San Francisco is such a beautiful city...". That sentence flew me back to the years I spent in CA, I remembered my friends, my work, my life... then I started thinking about Madison and ... and tears started to roll. I just couldn't put myself together and I was feeling so embarassed I had to leave the office. I talked with Pedro on the phone, then I met him for lunch (well, I just had time to eat a soup, he's always in meetings and no time for anything). Then at work I talked with one of the girls (she lived in France all her life and now lives here) and she said something really interesting: she doesn't see France as an opportunity that she missed (like a missed train). France is still there, she keeps contact with friends and family there, she can go there... it doesn't need to be a door that is closed forever. And after thinking a lot about it, I think I should think like that too. I think I really miss all the friends I left in the USA but I never acknowledge that to myself and I try to ignore it or not think about it (because it hurts). Then moments like today happen and I feel really sad and melancholic.
I'm still not feeling ok so I was looking at some silly photos to cheer me up. Here they are:


Calais Pedro Family said...

Ola, ola!
Pois deve ser dificil regressar e deixar isto, como tambe e complicado ca estar e ter saudades dai. Enfim, apos 7 anos de States, ito comeca a entranhar-se. Vamos la ver como/ quando sera o regresso...
A proposito, conheci a Rebecca. O Sam esta na mesma turma que a Beatriz. Small world!
Beijinhos da Joao

filiz said...

Those old days were great days and I am happy I shared them with you and I am happy that I met you and became friends with you (emphasis on happy, so please you be happy too) You and I only spent 2 years together but you can be sure that friendship will be remembered a lifetime. I miss you too my beautiful friend :) Although we are in different continents now, I am happy when I get news from you that you and your family are healthy and happy. Keep in touch. BJ :)